The Association of Consultant Architects (ACA) is the national professional body representing architects in private practice – consultant architects – in the UK.
The ACA is not a regulatory body, but provides an independent voice for and support to architectural practices that promotes and enables high standards in practice, within the membership. Membership is free and open to registered architects practicing on their own either alone or in partnership or as a Director of a company whose business consists wholly or mainly of an Architects’ practice or an allied field.
The principal purpose of the ACA is to represent and support architects in their resolve to provide excellence in practice. The Association lobbies and consults with Government and major industry bodies, arranges events and provides other services in support of this goal.

The ACA was founded in 1973 by former presidents of the RIBA.
Ray Moxley
David Stern
Richard Sheppard
John Partridge
Theo Crosby
Leslie K. Watson
Brian Falk
Sam Scorer
It has stood firm for quality in architecture and reliability of service in private practice ever since and was created at a time when there was no organisation in existence, dedicated specifically to the interests of private practitioners.
The original dedication still holds true and the maintenance of a collective voice on important and topical matters related to the role and standing of consultant architects remains the single most important benefit offered to ACA members today.
The ACA believes that it is vitally important that those who choose to practise architecture have an effective voice to represent their interests whether through the press, parliament or in the eyes of the public.
If you are an architect interested in having an effective voice and prompt representation on issues that affect you and your practice, ACA is uniquely positioned to work on your behalf.
To encourage excellence in the quality of service that our members provide.
To vigorously represent the aims and interests of architects in private practice on issues relating to the practice of architecture.