ACA Publishes new TAC-1 Term Alliance Contract
TAC-1 is a versatile standard form term alliance contract which supports and integrates the provision of any type or scale of works and/or services and/or supplies.The TAC-1 “Term Alliance Contract”:
- Enables a client and its team to obtain better results from any term contract;
- Helps to integrate a team into an alliance;
- Helps to obtain improved value through building information modelling;
- Is designed for use in any sector and in any jurisdiction.
TAC-1 sets out:
A multi-party structure of “Alliance Members” including the “Client”, the “Provider”, an in-house or external “Alliance Manager” and any other Alliance Members (clauses 1 and 3 and Appendix 2;
Why the term alliance is being created, stating agreed “Objectives, Success Measures, Targets and Incentives” (clause 2 and Schedule 1);
Mobilisation and handover procedures and improved engagement with Stakeholders (clauses 1.11, 5.1 and 14.9);
A clear “Order Procedure” for simple or complex “Orders”, supported by “Template Order Documents”(clauses 4, 5 and 7, Schedule 4 and Appendix 3);
What the Alliance Members will do to seek “Improved Value”, working together through “Supply Chain Collaboration” and other agreed “Alliance Activities” in accordance with an agreed “Timetable”(clause 6 and Schedule 2)
How the Alliance Members will manage risks and avoid disputes using a shared “Risk Register”, “Core Group” governance,”Early Warning” and alternative dispute resolution (clauses 1, 9 and 15 and Schedule 3);
Flexibility to include particular “Legal Requirements” and “Special Terms” for any sector in any jurisdiction (clause 13 and Schedule 6).
TAC-1 is based on:
The successful TPC2005 Term Partnering Contact;
The FAC-1 Framework alliance Contract;
Lessons learned from analysis of successful term alliances
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